RealClearSports: Mickelson, U.S. Women Are Not Losers

By Art Spander

SANDWICH, England — Wonder what the One Great Scorer is thinking these days? He's the one Grantland Rice poetically told us will take more notice on how we played the game than whether we won or lost.

Not a very modern concept one would conclude. Or is it?

The heroes and heroines deservedly were Darren Clarke, who took the British Open ...

Read the full story here.

© RealClearSports 2011

SF Examiner: Football is thriving, just not in the US

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

Are you ready for some football? They have it here, in the papers 365 days a year — here meaning all of Great Britain, football meaning soccer. But there’s no lockout, so at least stories have substance.

Yes, Wimbledon, the All England Lawn Tennis Championships, is in full flower — and full of strawberries and cream, priced at $4 for a small bowl anywhere on the grounds.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2011 SF Newspaper Company

RealClearSports: Is Era of Soccer Finally Upon America?

By Art Spander

LONDON -- Is this the end or the beginning? Does soccer, football to the rest of the world, finally capture the United States? Or was this World Cup fascination only a brief affair, a fling encouraged by ESPN, and little more?

Does it become only a sweet memory in anticipation of Drew Brees and Peyton Manning coming to training camp? Or when you think of fullbacks will it mean players who kick a round ball as much as those who occasionally carry an oval one?

Read the full story here.

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