RealClearSports: Mickelson, U.S. Women Are Not Losers
By Art Spander
SANDWICH, England — Wonder what the One Great Scorer is thinking these days? He's the one Grantland Rice poetically told us will take more notice on how we played the game than whether we won or lost.
Not a very modern concept one would conclude. Or is it?
The heroes and heroines deservedly were Darren Clarke, who took the British Open ...
Read the full story here.
© RealClearSports 2011
SANDWICH, England — Wonder what the One Great Scorer is thinking these days? He's the one Grantland Rice poetically told us will take more notice on how we played the game than whether we won or lost.
Not a very modern concept one would conclude. Or is it?
The heroes and heroines deservedly were Darren Clarke, who took the British Open ...
Read the full story here.
© RealClearSports 2011