RealClearSports: Five Rings of Empty Seats, Empty Heads

By Art Spander

There were empty seats in London, and as the world of Twitter would have it, empty heads at NBC.

A young female swimmer from China did what an American coach said is impossible, making us wonder whether she was on something illegal or he merely was on a vindictive crusade.

Read the full story here.

© RealClearSports 2012

RealClearSports: Deng Tries to Sell Hoops to Skeptical Brits

By Art Spander

LONDON – He plays the wrong game, the one, which has made him rich and famous across the ocean but is barely recognized in his home country.

“The British Olympic Giant,’’ was the title of a piece in the Sunday magazine of the Times of London. Giant in terms of height, because as everyone familiar with the NBA knows Luol Deng is 6-foot-9.

Read the full story here.

© RealClearSports 2012